That's right. You heard it here first. The Twitter feed never lies. Or at the very least it provides users the ability to access classroom, school, or district content that would otherwise be hard to obtain if observing from afar. Teachers, principals, and superintendents from around the world are taking 140 characters to get the message out and move the educational conversation forward.
Throughout the 2016-2017 school year Black River Middle School, by way of the @BlackRiverMS Twitter handle, was able to give stakeholder's an accurate depiction of learning experiences that take place across all grade levels and subject areas. Mrs. Moore's 4th grade classroom by way of the @MrsMooreFRSD Twitter handle was able to expand my knowledge as a parent of my son's daily learning experiences. The Falls Creek School District in Wisconsin leveraged the power of their hashtag #gocrickets and Twitter handle @fccrickets to promote all the great things that are taking place on a daily basis. There are so many great examples of how educators use Twitter to push the positive. Tweets highlight the great work of students, the innovative methods that teachers implement, and the exciting learning environment that leaders support. All it takes is a smartphone, the Twitter app, and a commitment to tell your story through social media. A great way to become acclimated to all the things that Twitter has to offer is by purchasing the book 140 Twitter Tips for Educators. It provides novice, intermediate, and expert users ideas and insight on how to make this invaluable tool work for you. At the end of the day, if you do not tell your classroom, school, or district story, someone else will and it could be wrong. Brad Currie is the author of the newly released 140 Twitter Tips for Educators. His other books include All Hands on Deck: Tools for Connecting Educators, Parents, and Communities and Personalized PD: Flipping Your Professional Development. He is one of the founding partners of Evolving Educators LLC. Brad is a 2014 ASCD Emerging Leader and Google Certified Trainer. Brad currently serves as a K-8 Supervisor of Instruction and Dean of Students for the Chester School District in Chester, NJ. He speaks and presents nationally about technology integration. Learn more about Brad by following him on Twitter@bradmcurrie or visiting his website at
This summer I am fortunate enough to teach a master's level educational technology course at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. I am really excited to challenge myself and students to think outside of the box. When utilized correctly, technology can be a game-changer in helping students understand the content at hand and supporting educator's growth in ways once thought unimaginable. I want our class to understand the importance of networking, collaborating, and learning in the physical and virtual world. Most importantly, I want to see our class understand the importance of leveraging the power of technology within an autonomous learning environment. Some of the tools and resources I will expose our class to can be found on the Symbaloo board below.
There is no doubt that I will take risks even thought it's the first time I have ever taught a college level course. Students will gain knowledge on how to utilize a Twitter hashtag, #MAT803, to share and connect with others pertaining to the topic at hand. Voxer, a tap to talk app, will be used to hold virtual conversations on such topics as digital citizenship, books like Seymour Papert's Mindstorms, and the implications Universal Design for Learning have on promoting the success of all students. Students in this class will also understand the importance of blogs as a way to share and obtain best practice methods in the field of education. Google Classroom will examined and modeled as a way for students to thrive in a paperless learning environment. FlipGrid will help students discuss key components of the National Education Technology Plan and other relevant topics. Designing engaging and relevant lessons with technology will also be a focus of the course.
As you can see this will be an exciting opportunity to teach a hybrid course that will ultimately prepare students for a teaching and learning environment that will undoubtedly exist when they enter the workforce. I am looking forward to the deep conversations and sharing of diverse perspectives on educational topics. Examining leading research on the effective utilization of technology in conjunction with what current practitioners are saying about the state of education will be zeroed in on during the course. So what else am I missing? Share your thoughts in the comment section so that I can provide students with a relevant learning experience.
Brad Currie is the author of the newly released 140 Twitter Tips for Educators. His other books include All Hands on Deck: Tools for Connecting Educators, Parents, and Communities and Personalized PD: Flipping Your Professional Development. He is one of the founding partners of Evolving Educators LLC. Brad is a 2014 ASCD Emerging Leader and Google Certified Trainer. Brad currently serves as a K-8 Supervisor of Instruction and Dean of Students for the Chester School District in Chester, NJ. He speaks and presents nationally about technology integration. Learn more about Brad by following him on Twitter@bradmcurrie or visiting his website at
May 2020