Recently, I attended a Visible Learning Plus Foundation Day Institute that featured two tremendous speakers, Peter Dewitt and John Almarode. For several years, I have been studying the work of John Hattie and Visible Learning to truly understand what impacts student learning. It was an honor to dig down deep into the various effect sizes and strategies that speak to promoting the success of all students during this two day event. There is no doubt that I will continue to embed this important research into future experiences for our own staff and students.
Several years ago Peter Dewitt focused me on Hattie's work and for whatever reason it really resonated with my philosophy of education. So much so that I wrote a blog post for Corwin Connect in 2016 titled Visible Learning in the Digital World. Fast forward to the present, I became inspired again after attending the Foundation Day Institute that I created a matrix of sorts that marries Hattie's effect sizes with best practice web applications and technology. Look below to access this matrix and please email me at [email protected] with recommendations of various "tools of the trade" that can be added in the future.
Brad Currie is the 2017 NASSP National Assistant Principal of the Year and a 2014 ASCD Emerging Leader. Currently he serves as a K-8 Director of Education and is a Google Certified Trainer. He has authored 4 books including Hacking Google for Education, 140 Twitter Tips for Educators, Personalized PD, and All Hands Deck: Tools for Connecting Educators, Parents, and Communities. Brad consults and presents nationally on leadership, technology integration, and innovation. Reach out to Brad via email at [email protected] or via @thebradcurrie.
April 2020